The source code can be found on Github ↗ , and the design on Figma ↗ .
This website is designed by Ivana Rangelova Nikolova ↗ and developed by Lazar Nikolov ↗ . It's built with just Astro ↗ and Pure CSS. It is deployed on Vercel ↗ . Completely Open Source 💜.
Typography - IBM Plex Serif
For the typeface Ivana decided to use the IBM Plex Serif ↗ font. It's downloaded from Google Fonts, converted into woff2, and hosted within the website for performance reasons.
Design & Colors
The design inspiration for this website is 80s computer and science manuals, like the 1984 Macintosh Manual and the 1975 NASA Graphics Standards Manual. The light color used is the Cosmic Latte ↗ color. It is the average color of the universe.
IBM Plex Serif Regular
IBM Plex Serif Semibold
light coming from galaxies (and the stars within them) – alongside all the visible clouds of gas and dust in the Universe – when averaged, would produce an ivory color very close to white. They named this color 'cosmic latte'. The rich black color is a complementary to cosmic latte. The fuschia blue is a brand color Lazar picked long time ago.